Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail.

Leonardo da Vinci

Customer Care Remote Assistance

Remote assistance reduces the response time. It not only sustains a high level of productivity in plants, but minimizes downtime.
Access to the remote service is achieved via an Ethernet connection linked directly to the system.
Please note that the corporate network retains its usual protection level and there is no risk involved as for each remote assistance call a secure end to end ad hoc link between the remote assistance PC and the machine is created.

The remote assistance can be either included in a new machine from the beginning or installed later.

    Request remote assistance Vai Torna

    Check the Tecnofirma form below on your equipment and write the requested data in the corresponding fields:

    Logo Tecnofirma

    Monza - Italy

    Tel. ++39-039.23601 r.a. Fax ++39-039.324283


    Logo CE Logo CE

    Company Data

    * Requested fields





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