Quality Policy
Since 1992 Tecnofirma SpA has had a Quality Management System certified according to the UNI EN ISO 9001 standards, the first company to have obtained it in the sector of its field of application: Design, manufacturing, installation, maintenance of systems and machines for surface treatment..
Today, the system is compliant with the requirements expressed by the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
In order to guarantee a product / service based on the maximum satisfaction of its own customers, and more in general, of all interested parties, Tecnofirma SpA defines the following reference principles of its own Quality Policy:
Orientation towards Customer and parties involved
Tecnofirma SpA is committed to understand customer needs and plans its activities to fully satisfy them. In the same way it operates in compliance with the mandatory requests and requirements:
- of the reference market
- of the country in which it operates, in compliance with laws and regulations
- of all the parties involved in the processes considered critical
- of the applicable mandatory requirements
Tecnofirma SpA assumes its responsibility for the effectiveness of its QMS, making all the necessary resources available and making sure that the planned objectives are congruent with the context and strategic guidelines. Tecnofirma SpA communicates the importance of the QMS and actively involves all interested parties, coordinating and supporting them.
Staff and Stakeholders involvement
Tecnofirma SpA is aware that staff and all stakeholder involvement, combined with all collaborators participation, are a primary strategic element. It promotes the development of internal professional skills and the careful selection of external collaborations in order to equip themselves with competent and motivated human resources.
Process approach
Tecnofirma identifies the various activities of its organization as processes to be planned, monitored and constantly improved and activates, in the best way possible, the resources for their implementation.
Tecnofirma SpA manages its own processes so that they are unique:
- the objectives to be pursued and the expected results
- the related responsibilities and the resources used
Risks and opportunities evaluation
Tecnofirma SpA plans its processes with a risk-based thinking approach (RBT) in order to implement the appropriate actions for:
- assess and deal with the risks associated with the processes
- exploit and reinforce the opportunities identified
- promotes at all levels an adequate sense of pro-activity in the managing one's own risks
Continuous improvement
Tecnofirma SpA has the continuous improvement of the performance of its QMS as a permanent goal. The preliminary assessment of the risks and opportunities associated with business processes, the internal and external verification activities, the objectives reformulated annually, and the constant monitoring of the results converge in the annual Management Review, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
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